The series follows smart, capable and by the book Grace Narayan (Anjli Mohindra), who was flying high as an inner-city police sergeant before being forced into a 'punishment posting' on the small, antiquated island of St. Jory. Confronted by the forgotten and unsolved case of missing teenage boy Cai, Grace quickly discovers that she must overcome scarce evidence, extraordinary local characters, and the island's strange cult history to uncover the truth.
本剧改编自原著“科莫兰·斯特莱克”系列的第六本《The Ink Black Heart》。当衣冠不整又疯狂的Edie Ledwell出现在办公室里,恳求能与她谈谈时,私家侦探Robin Ellacott不知道该如何应对。Edie是热门漫画《墨黑心》的联合创作者,她正受到一个化名为Anomie的神秘网络人物的迫害。Edie迫切希望揭开Anomie的真实身份。Robin认为事务所对此帮不上忙,也就没再多想。直到几天后,她读到一则令人震惊的新闻:Edie在《墨黑心》的故事发生地海格特公墓遭遇电击并被杀害。Robin和她的商业伙伴Cormoran Strike由此开始探寻Anomie的真实身份。但是面对一个由网络化名、商业利益和家庭冲突组成的复杂网络,Strike和Robin发现自己被卷入了一个把他们逼近极限的案件里。
Dick Wolf’s trio of FBI dramas will continue at CBS. FBI, FBI Most Wanted and FBI International have all been renewed by the network. Flagship show FBI has been handed a three season renewal, which will encompass seasons seven through nine. FBI Most Wanted comes back for its sixth season and FBI International has been renewed for its fourth season. All three will air in the...
Dick Wolf’s trio of FBI dramas will continue at CBS. FBI, FBI: Most Wanted and FBI: International have all been renewed by the network.Flagship show FBI has been handed a three season renewal, which will encompass seasons seven through nine. FBI: Most Wanted comes back for its sixth season and FBI: International has been renewed for its fourth season. All three will air in the 2024/25 seaso
在梅尔和杰克浪漫的春季婚礼背景下,第六季将带来全新的曲折情节、愈加复杂的三角恋、令人愉快的婚礼情节,而有关梅尔父亲过去的秘密也将公之于众。这一切将把我们带回到 20 世纪 70 年代充满魔力和神秘色彩的维珍河。
After achieving success in her younger years, the brilliant septuagenarian Madeline Matlock, played by Academy & Emmy Award Winner Kathy Bates, rejoins the workforce at a prestigious law firm where she uses her unassuming demeanor and wily tactics to win cases and expose corruption from within. Inspired by the classic television series of the same name.
After achieving success in her younger years, the brilliant septuagenarian Madeline Matlock, played by Academy
Emmy Award Winner Kathy Bates, rejoins the workforce at a prestigious law firm where she uses her unassuming demeanor and wily tactics to win cases and expose corruption from within. Inspired by the classic television series of the same name.